“Training, of the highest quality, has enabled us to be more effective as a governing body.”
Since joining Inspiring Primaries Academy Trust our governing body has benefited enormously from the support, advice and guidance provided for us. Our views and opinions are listened to and respected. Training, of the highest quality, has enabled us to be more effective as a governing body. As chair, I have appreciated frequent support from other chairs and leaders within the trust. The well- being of staff is always paramount and the needs of the children are always uppermost in our minds. Inspiring Primaries does indeed ‘enable all to flourish and succeed’.
Sheila Grice
, Chair of Governors
“Supported by this network, I have had the opportunity to aim much higher and much more rapidly than at any previous point in my career.”
The Inspiring Primaries family of schools provides us with a knowledgeable network of like-minded teachers all aspiring to improve outcomes for the children across South and West Leicestershire. Our networks of specialists give us a deep reservoir of subject knowledge and pedagogical expertise meaning the right support is always available for the next stage in our development towards outstanding classroom practice and subject leadership. Supported by this network, I have had the opportunity to aim much higher and much more rapidly than at any previous point in my career. I have been supported to gain qualifications in senior leadership to put those skills into practise through working alongside senior leaders in the Trust’s school improvement team and am now enjoying the opportunity to ready myself for the next stage in my career through sponsorship into gaining the NPQH. This focus on enabling meaningful CPD, and being given opportunities to use the new skills gained to practically improve outcomes, sets Inspiring Primaries apart.
Lee Evans
, Teacher at St Mary's, now Headteacher at John Wycliffe
“Being part of Inspiring Primaries means my schools and my staff feel a part of a larger school family.”
Being part of Inspiring Primaries means my schools and my staff feel a part of a larger school family. The visions of the schools I lead align well with the Trust's vision of 'Enabling all to flourish and succeed.' Together we celebrate our successes and support each other to ensure all are able to flourish. Inspiring Primaries promotes a school led system with strong evidence-based collaboration enabling us to draw on the range of expertise. Each school in Inspiring Primaries seeks to serve its own community whilst at the same time serving the wider area that the Trust covers. We never feel 'alone' but instead feel a part of something really special.