Join Us

Our goal:

  • Our goal is to ensure that all students, whatever their background and starting points, are given the opportunity to flourish and succeed.
  • We value teamwork, honesty, transparency.
  • We believe in high aspirations, high expectations and high achievement for all.

We aim to:

  • Provide an environment that promotes high expectations for all our students
  • Value and celebrate academic achievement
  • Provide outstanding teaching for all our students so that they can achieve their very best
  • Widen students’ experiences through a wide range of activities
  • Build Strength through our partnership between our schools and leaders.

Support and challenge is provided through:

  • High-quality governance and executive leadership
  • Robust monitoring and intervention where required
  • Networks of school leaders collaborating on teaching and learning, curriculum, and enrichment opportunities
  • Headteachers collaborating on a coherent strategic direction and drive
  • Quality joint INSET and continuing professional development
  • Staff opportunities to work across other schools in the MAT

How does the Trust offer best value and value for money through its central team to the academies within the Trust?

Central services support:

  • Estates
  • Finance
  • HR
  • ICT services