Ofsted Summary Evaluation

“The trust leaders have set a clear vision for their schools. This is rooted in the mantra of a desire for pupils and staff at the trust to ‘flourish’ in their development.”

In June 2022, Ofsted conducted a summary evaluation of Inspiring Primaries Academy Trust to follow on from the batch of 6 Ofsted inspections in the autumn term. Please find below some of the comments from the team of Ofsted Inspectors plus a link to the full report. The report demonstrates how we strive to achieve our vision to ‘enable all to flourish and succeed’.

“Leaders want the schools to serve their communities with distinction and thrive. This is to maintain the tradition of providing a village education for pupils in the centuries to come.”

“The unwavering ambition of the CEO is held in the highest regard by all of the stakeholders. School leaders are closely aligned with securing the vision and ambition in their schools.”

“Trustees have a wide range of expertise and experience. This enables them to provide suitable levels of support and challenge to the CEO about the 4 performance of the trust and individual schools.”

“New members of staff say that they were drawn to working in the trust due to the strong vision, values and ethos. School leaders and teachers speak highly of the opportunities they have received to develop professionally while working in the trust. The CEO has implemented a strategic approach to developing staff from starting as early career teachers to becoming executive headteachers. There is a clear succession planning model in place, where talent is spotted early.”


Full report – Ofsted Summary Evaluation June 2022

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